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Maple Tree Model 18-20 cm


Maple Tree Model 18-20 cm is a part of Primo Models Tree Line Collection. They are high-quality handmade trees for creating natural and realistic model scenery within layouts and dioramas. Each tree is uniquely made with its own style of branching and various shapes, creating a more natural landscape. The diverse and authentic characteristics of every individual tree enable you to create attractive, breathtaking and well-scaled model scenery, every time. Natural colours and realistic textures make these trees the ideal choice for ambitious modellers and collectors.

Each model tree is robust, durable, sustainable, 100% handmade and built to last. The foliage and leaves on these trees are carefully glued to minimise wear and tear, ensuring long life and a realistic appearance for years to come. Through our own research and partner advice, We only use sustainable and carefully selected materials which have been tried and tested over a period of time, to create long lasting, realistic and high quality models.

Full Description

Maple Tree Model 18-20 cm

Maple Tree Model 18-20 cm is a part of Primo Models Tree Line Collection. They are high-quality handmade trees for creating natural and realistic model scenery within layouts and dioramas. Each tree is uniquely made with its own style of branching and various shapes, creating a more natural landscape. The diverse and authentic characteristics of every individual tree enable you to create attractive, breathtaking and well-scaled model scenery, every time. Natural colours and realistic textures make these trees the ideal choice for ambitious modellers and collectors.

Each model tree is robust, durable, sustainable, 100% handmade and built to last. The foliage and leaves on these trees are carefully glued to minimise wear and tear, ensuring long life and a realistic appearance for years to come. Through our own research and partner advice, We only use sustainable and carefully selected materials which have been tried and tested over a period of time, to create long lasting, realistic and high quality models.

Note: In order to achieve a more natural, and realistic looking tree line, we recommend that you vary your mix with different size ranges of our trees, as well as our Primo Bushes range.

Is the Maple Tree Model 18-20 cm right size for your layout or diorama ?

We hope that the information we have provided in this description will help you in creating a more realistic and natural scale model scenery. Thanks to the support and advice provided to us from model railway layout builders and military model fans. We have developed most of our miniature trees in four different sizes, of which, you can find in our shop. 

IMPORTANT: If you can’t find your desired size of a tree, let us know and we will try to prepare a custom order for any tree size you may need. Feel free to contact us at

Our model trees can be used in several popular scales such as; 1:220 z gauge, 1:160 n scale, 1:100  architecture models, 1:87 ho scale, 1:76 oo gauge, 1:48 dollhouses, 1:45 o gauge, 1:35 Military models, 1:32 scale and occasionally 1:22.5 G Scale as well as many other wargaming and tabletop figure collection scale models in between.

Real size of our “Maple Tree Model 18-20 cm” when used in different model scales.

To see the real size of the tree model in your layout, diorama or architectonic project scale look at the table below.

Real size in scales (18-20 cm):
Meters Feet
Min Max Min Max
1:160 28.8 32.0 94.5 105.0
1:148 26.6 29.6 87.4 97.1
1:120 21.6 24.0 70.9 78.7
1:100 18.0 20.0 59.1 65.6
1:87 15.7 17.4 51.4 57.1
1:76 13.7 15.2 44.9 49.9
1:72 13.0 14.4 42.5 47.2
1:45 8.1 9.0 26.6 29.5
1:35 6.3 7.0 20.7 23.0
1:32 5.8 6.4 18.9 21.0

Real Maple Tree History and Overview 


General Growth Information


Family/Genus: Sapindaceae

Subspecies: There are around 128 species of maple. Most popular are Red Maple, Sugar Maple and Japanese Maple.

Geographical Location: Most species are native to Asia. The species also appears in large  numbers across Europe, North America and Northern Regions of Africa. Only one type of species grows in the southern hemisphere.

Habitat/Climate: Most likely to thrive in clay and sandy type of soil.

Lifespan: Usual lifespan of maple tree is 100 to 400 years depending on the species. It is believed that famous Comfort Maple tree in Canada is the oldest one. It is estimated that its stood there for over 500 years.

Height: Most mature species reach between 10 and 45 metres (33 – 148 feet) in height. Some of the smaller species never reach beyond 8 metres in height and consist of multiple trunks starting at ground level.

Fruits/Seeds: You will find their fruit, samaras to be called “maple keys” , “whirly birds”, “helicopters” or “polynoses”.


Additional Interesting Information


Primary Uses: Red, Black and Sugar Maples are famous for their sap which, under high temperature boiling turns into maple syrup. It can also be made into maple sugar and taffy. Maple wood is characterized with very high durability, which can be used for hard table tops, floors, decking and others. Baseball bats made exclusively from maple wood are standard in major league. Maple wood is also considered Tonewood which means that it carries sound waves particularly well, because of that is often used for manufacturing instruments.  

Traditional Uses: Centuries ago settlers of the “New world” used to extract tannin from red maple leafs to make clothing dyes. Legends say that Native Americans were the first to discover maple sap when one of them threw a tomahawk at the tree, thinking that it was water he boiled it and found out the result was in fact a sweet syrup. Colorful autumn maple leaves gave birth to many leaf watching traditions. In Japan, Maple tree is associated with the symbol of grace and elegance. Their leaf-watching tradition is called “momijigari”.

Other Info: The Maple leaf is Canada’s national symbol. Even though most maple species are considered deciduous, a few found in southern asia and the mediterranean are evergreen. Maple is a popular choice for the art of bonsai. Maple trees need at least 30 years before they can be tapped. It takes 40 gallons of sap to produce one gallon of maple syrup.

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