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Poplar Tree Model 18-20 cm


Poplar Tree Model 18-20 cm is a part of Primo Models Tree Line Collection. They are high-quality handmade trees for creating natural and realistic model scenery within layouts and dioramas. Each tree is uniquely made with its own style of branching and various shapes, creating a more natural landscape. The diverse and authentic characteristics of every individual tree enable you to create attractive, breathtaking and well-scaled model scenery, every time. Natural colours and realistic textures make these trees the ideal choice for ambitious modellers and collectors.

Each model tree is robust, durable, sustainable, 100% handmade and built to last. The foliage and leaves on these trees are carefully glued to minimise wear and tear, ensuring long life and a realistic appearance for years to come. Through our own research and partner advice, We only use sustainable and carefully selected materials which have been tried and tested over a period of time, to create long lasting, realistic and high quality models.

Full Description

Poplar Tree Model 18-20 cm

Poplar Tree Model 18-20 cm is a part of Primo Models Tree Line Collection. They are high-quality handmade trees for creating natural and realistic model scenery within layouts and dioramas. Each tree is uniquely made with its own style of branching and various shapes, creating a more natural landscape. The diverse and authentic characteristics of every individual tree enable you to create attractive, breathtaking and well-scaled model scenery, every time. Natural colours and realistic textures make these trees the ideal choice for ambitious modellers and collectors.

Each model tree is robust, durable, sustainable, 100% handmade and built to last. The foliage and leaves on these trees are carefully glued to minimise wear and tear, ensuring long life and a realistic appearance for years to come. Through our own research and partner advice, We only use sustainable and carefully selected materials which have been tried and tested over a period of time, to create long lasting, realistic and high quality models.

Note: In order to achieve a more natural, and realistic looking tree line, we recommend that you vary your mix with different size ranges of our trees, as well as our Primo Bushes range.

Is the Poplar Tree Model 18-20 cm right size for your layout or diorama ?

We hope that the information we have provided in this description will help you in creating a more realistic and natural scale model scenery. Thanks to the support and advice provided to us from model railway layout builders and military model fans. We have developed most of our miniature trees in four different sizes, of which, you can find in our shop. 

IMPORTANT: If you can’t find your desired size of a tree, let us know and we will try to prepare a custom order for any tree size you may need. Feel free to contact us at

Our model trees can be used in several popular scales such as; 1:220 z gauge, 1:160 n scale, 1:100  architecture models, 1:87 ho scale, 1:76 oo gauge, 1:48 dollhouses, 1:45 o gauge, 1:35 Military models, 1:32 scale and occasionally 1:22.5 G Scale as well as many other wargaming and tabletop figure collection scale models in between.

Real size of our “Poplar Tree Model 18-20 cm” when used in different model scales.

To see the real size of the tree model in your layout, diorama or architectonic project scale look at the table below.

Real size in scales (18-20 cm):
Meters Feet
Min Max Min Max
1:160 28.8 32.0 94.5 105.0
1:148 26.6 29.6 87.4 97.1
1:120 21.6 24.0 70.9 78.7
1:100 18.0 20.0 59.1 65.6
1:87 15.7 17.4 51.4 57.1
1:76 13.7 15.2 44.9 49.9
1:72 13.0 14.4 42.5 47.2
1:45 8.1 9.0 26.6 29.5
1:35 6.3 7.0 20.7 23.0
1:32 5.8 6.4 18.9 21.0

Real Poplar Tree History and Overview 


General Growth Information


Family/Genus: Salicaceae/Populus

Subspecies: Over 35 species all around the world. Most common are White, Lombardy, Eastern and Balsam poplar.

Geographical Location: It can be found all over the northern Hemisphere. They mostly prefer temperate climates with mild winters and warm summers.

Habitat/Climate: They are often found near rivers, ponds and swamps. Due to rapid growth and high nutrient absorption poplar tree need space and usually do not do well in smaller areas.

Lifespan: Most of the species are fast growing and do not live longer than 50 years.

Height: Most types of the tree grows between 15 and 50 metres tall (50 – 165 feets) and can reach up to 2.5 metres in diameter (8 feet). Tulip Poplars are believed to be the highest growing of all reaching up to 61 metres (200 feet).

Fruits/Seeds: Their fruits are green to reddish small balls that during the height of summer are ready to spread their seeds.


Additional Interesting Information


Primary Uses: Because of  the fact that poplar’s wood is strong and lightweight it was a perfect candidate for shields in the past. Today it is most commonly used for making pallets and plywood. Due to its high elasticity, poplar tree is the “must have” for the snowboard industry. It can be also used for producing various musical instruments and production of matches. Thanks to its fast growth, poplar is often used as energy biofuel. Moreover it can be used for tanning leather, chopsticks in Japan,bases for paintings in Italy and the paper industry.

Traditional Uses: The name Populus refers to the practice in ancient rome of planting trees in public areas. Poplar wood is highly prized in italy, where for centuries it was used as a base for painting. One of the world’s most appreciated paintings “The Mona Lisa” was created on Poplar wood.

Other Info: Poplar tree root systems can reach up to 130 feet in diameter. Within the gardening community it is sometimes called “the most dangerous tree” as its fast and large growth can often disturb neighbouring landscapes.This is a  phrase coined by scottish botanist John Claudius Loudon.

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